Who Are You Meant to Serve?

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

Your Secret Sauce Is Knowing Who You Are Meant To ServeServant Leader Tracy Worley

Success can be elusive if you are serving outside of your natural gifts, talents, strengths, and values. When you know your values, you know who you are meant to serve.  Knowledge is power, and imagination in creating new ideas of who you are meant to serve is your brilliance.

I am not being “squishy” when talking about your brilliance; I am serious. When you know who you are meant to serve, it creates an energy and synergy to the future you want and you are no longer part of someone else’s plan.

A life of significance is creating your Secret Success Sauce by being a difference maker and serving those who you are meant to serve. I have taken hundreds of people through this process, and when they are done they know . . . and their organizations take off in ways they never thought possible.  One of our last participants signed a $20,000 contract using her purpose statement, and her organization was less than five months old.

How would it feel if, in an 8-10 word sentence, you had your purpose statement? You could use this statement in your personal and professional life because it is you at a core level. How would it feel to have a purpose statement so powerful that at networking events people wanted to know more!

When you help others make a difference, you are living in the significance of your Secret Success Sauce! Your success is made by those who you help. Basically, life is about sowing first and then reaping the harvest later. One of my friends shares a powerful story. When he was growing up,  all he wanted to do was play basketball and play with his friends. His father instilled in him, “Play Now, Pay Later” or “Pay Now, and Play Later.”

Find your Secret Sauce of Significance in your purpose statement and the “Pay Now” will be fun, rewarding, and not hard to wait to “Play Later.” It all comes down to your attitude and choices, which are the foundation to the future you want. ~ Tracy Worley

Create a self-sustaining plan to keep you ignited toward what you want. Admit your needs, find support, hire a coach or mentor, and remember to keep getting up.

Everyone is unique, and I hope to walk alongside you to create the future you want and build your unique plan!

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Are curious! Do you want to find your secret sauce of being a Difference Maker, and create original ideas through your natural gifts? New series starting in June!

5 Steps to Create The Future You Want

Top4 Is Your Core: Build Your Solid Foundation

John C. Maxwell (2006). The Difference Maker

Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self

Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio

[Success Secret Sauce] Series 7/8 Are You Equipped to Fail?

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

What equipment do you need to fail in faith that tomorrow will come!

Mix it up, sprinkle, dash, and heat it up to create the future you want!

Equipped_to_Fail Tracy Worley


Are you equipped to fail? Did you really just ask that question? Why yes I did, because failing is the equivalent of a college education. People are not defeated by the opponent; they are defeated within themselves.

Losing and failing is learning without the textbooks and final exams. Failing is real life innovation and creating new ideas no one else has failed forward into. You have to expect failure; it is what you do with it that makes a difference. First thing to remember is not to personalize it and start thinking like the chicken who always thinks the sky is falling. Your sky is not falling; you just failed to the next level!

Being equipped to fail is having courage to risk. Failure creates confidence toward the future you desire. 

“Those who fly always first get out on the edge. If you want to seize and opportunity, you must take a risk. If you want to reach your potential, you will have to take chances. If you don’t, you will be resigned to a life of mediocrity. The people who don’t make mistakes end up working for those who do. And in the end, they often end up regretting the safe life they lived.” ~ John C. Maxwell

Making a difference toward your Secret Success Sauce is getting up when no one else does. Simply, if you do not get up, it is your fault for not taking action. Most people think too small, play small, aim too low, and quit too soon. 

Equip yourself by letting failure point you to success. Do not play with the odds because very few are willing to get back up, so just get up and you will beat the odds. Again, perspective and expectations are important in keeping your momentum forward with purpose.

The last tool to be equipped to risk and fail is to maintain a sense of humor! Hold your head high, giggle, and laugh out-loud.  I have been able to bring the stories of my colossal fails and wins to the table to share with others and instill the mantra that—tomorrow does come!

I look forward to walking along side you as you laugh your way up and out to the future you desire and want!

 “You always pass failure on the way to success.” ~ Mickey Rooney

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Are curious! Do you want to find your secret sauce of being a Difference Maker, and create original ideas through your natural gifts? New series starting in June!

5 Steps to Create The Future You Want

Top4 Is Your Core: Build Your Solid Foundation

John C. Maxwell (2006). The Difference Maker

Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self

Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio

[Success Secret Sauce] Series 6/8 Your Success in Faith and Fear

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

What tools are you using to engage and ensure change is AWESOME?

I love—no I really mean love—the word FEAR! Several years back I heard an acronym of the word, and ever since then have fallen in love with fear.

 What is fear?  False | Evidence | Appearing | Real

Fear Tracy  Worley


If things go wrong do not go with them! Stand tall in faith, because tomorrow is another day toward formulating your secret sauce for success.

So now you know that fear is false evidence that our minds appear to make real. Most of us are in sales one way or another, and what is the number one thing we do to create relationships? It’s those dreaded phone calls! People are afraid of the phone, because they are creating a false fear of rejection and of hearing the word NO. But here’s the scariest part: What do you do when you get a YES!!!

Don’t get me wrong. I believe that there are healthy fears, like not standing too close to the edge of a cliff without proper safety gear. However, creating your secret sauce to success has a dash of healthy fear and faith in your ability.

“Fear creates a barrier towards action and discipline in reaching your potential. When you spend energy in fear, you have wasted an opportunity. “Fear not that your life will come to an end, but that it will never have a beginning” ~ J.H.Newman.

Focusing on what we can control brings a healthy expectation and perception of fear. There are so many people, places, and things not in your control, so stop worrying and being fearful of an outcome you have no part of. Mark Twain states this so well, “I’ve been through some terrible things in my life, a few of which actually happened.”

It is a privilege to share this time with you, and I hope to walk alongside you in your Secret Success Sauce journey.

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Are curious! Do you want to find your secret sauce of being a Difference Maker, and create original ideas through your natural gifts? New series starting in June!

5 Steps to Create The Future You Want

Top4 Is Your Core: Build Your Solid Foundation

John C. Maxwell (2006). The Difference Maker

Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self

Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio

[Success Secret Sauce] Series 5/8 Are You an Opportunity Owner?

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

If you want to halt progress in personal or organizational progress just say the word, change.


No one likes change; very few understand how to lead it. One of the main reasons people resist change is the perception of loss, they take it personally. It is like that infamous statement, “the only person who likes change is a wet baby.”

Change is awkward, change rubs against tradition, and the timing maybe wrong. There is a guarantee of failure if change is not embraced when there is a need to do so. Without change there can be no creativity, innovation, and launch to the success you desire and deserve.

“We cannot become what we need by remaining what we are. If you desire growth, then you must embrace change.”~ Max DePree

An optimistic person who has an attitude of adventure and tomorrow will come no matter what happens today is who you want on your team or inner-circle. The heart of success and creating your secret success sauce is you must give up something to go up. As we learn and glean new experiences to be better tomorrow than we are today we cannot continue to do everything or carry everything. This is where leading and delegating change comes to play toward your success.

  • What are items on your daily agenda that should now be delegated?
  • What activities no longer hold value for who you are today?
  • What fear is holding you back from accomplishing your next goal?
  • What time clock are you waiting for; the right times is now and not wait for everything to be perfect.
  • What bogeyman is blocking the doorway?

 “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself-and possibly the bogeyman.”~ Pat Paulson

Attitude toward change is the difference maker in creating the future you want! Change can lead to those things we call PROBLEMS but I see problems as opportunities and not an obstacle. Problems are the gateway to solving and creating innovation. If you watch the show Shark Tank most products or services are solving a problem people or organizations have.

One of my previous clients was Wal-Mart and their culture embraced opportunity vs. problem. Their culture was every Opportunity Tracy Worleyproblem is actually an opportunity to solve and be creative in daily business. They continue this today so when you receive a call from Wal-Mart corporate (any position from executive to associate) they will state, “I have an opportunity.”This is another great example in practice of how one word can change your world.

“Positive thinking is how you think about a problem. Enthusiasm is how you feel about a problem. The two together determine what you do about a problem.”~ Norman Vincent Peale  

I encourage you to look at problems as an open door others are not willing to walk through and create an original idea or product!

Think positive by creating opportunity of new doors you may not have seen before!

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Are curious! Do you want to find your secret sauce of being a Difference Maker, and create original ideas through your natural gifts? New series starting in June!

5 Steps to Create The Future You Want

Top4 Is Your Core: Build Your Solid Foundation

John C. Maxwell (2006). The Difference Maker

Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self

Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio

[Success Secret Sauce] Series 3/8: Celebrate Your Greatest Asset

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

Your greatest asset is your attitude and it is the base Asset Tracy Worleyingredient to your Secret Success Sauce.

Attitude is not a set strength or gift; it is a choice. Attitude is the only thing you have complete control over on a second by second basis. When I was downsized in 2011, my first reaction was not anger. It was, “What do I have in place to keep moving forward?”

The first step to creating success through your attitude is to take responsibility for it. Attitude does not come from our circumstances, history, or others. Attitude comes from within; you are made of the sum from the inside out. Reflecting within is key to identifying and relating to any of your relationships. Where are they blaming others for circumstances; where in reality the outcome came from choice.

The second area to evaluate is where you are now in your relationships and perhaps barriers to your goals. Personal evaluation is not to condemn where you are today, but to become aware and make different choices. How we feel and view ourselves often relates to how we relate and think of others. Attitude truly is the solid foundation to your Secret Success Sauce.

When evaluation occurs in an honest and nurturing way, your growth to change becomes easy. Perseverance does not seem as hard, and the tenacious nature it takes to stand your ground will give confident freedom in becoming who you were meant to be and who you are meant to serve.

The biggest question is: Are you going to keep working and trying to get better, or is this as good as it gets?

You are not what you think you are, but what you think…you are.

The last step toward an AWESOME attitude is discipline in your agenda. Yes, the things that make up your daily calendar are the choices you are willing to make. Again, reflection is part of gaining back your day and doing what you need to do in planned action vs. others unplanned reaction.

Attitude is the difference maker to opening doors you did not see before, and it helps overcome obstacles and reality shifts you did not ask for. In 2011 I had a choice to be angry, bitter, frozen, and paralyzed from losing my job, but my choice was to thrive despite someone else’s decision for my reality and future.

Choose to thrive! 

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Are curious! Do you want to find your secret sauce of being a Difference Maker, and create original ideas through your natural gifts? New series starting in June!

5 Steps to Create The Future You Want

Top4 Is Your Core: Build Your Solid Foundation

[Success Secret Sauce] Series 2/8: Are You Attitude or Character Driven

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

What is your secret sauce to being a difference maker in your life?

Attitude_Sauce Tracy Worley

The basis of leading and making a difference is all about attitude and what it can—and cannot—do for you and those around you. I have a confession to make. Early in my career and youth, I was the one where my parents and co-workers would look at me and say, “Check the attitude at the door.” I did not have a bad attitude, but a very inquisitive one, and had not yet learned how to harness my “why” questions to team build. The way I asked questions did not build collaboration but separation.

To sustain success you cannot separate self-esteem, character, or attitude. All three must be part of your reality to lead authentically and to be a difference maker.

From The Difference Maker here are some areas to consider for reflection and change toward making the difference you desire:

  • Attitude cannot substitute for competence
    • Competence is what is needed to accomplish a job, but attitude completes the circle of contentment and daily joy, not only for yourself but also for those around you.
  • Attitude helps with your health (mental and physical)
    • Change if you can.
    • If you cannot change your circumstances, then change your attitude.
  • Attitude takes work.
    • Personal growth should be part of your daily and weekly calendar.
    • Don’t give up even when it feels like the easy thing to do.

Creating a plan to be a difference maker in attitude and understanding reality does not substitute for choosing your attitude. In 2011 on a brief phone call, I learned I no longer was employed due to a third round of downsizing. Was this a blow? Absolutely! However, I did not let the experience keep me down. I kept a forward vision and took actions one step at a time, even if they were baby steps toward the future I desired and deserve.

Moving forward has everything to do with a positive attitude, perseverance, and not sitting in a stinky pool of pity. I kept moving forward toward the next adventure in making a difference in other people’s lives. I hope you are one of those people.

Challenge Question: What is in your calendar to ensure you are not sitting in a stinky pool of pity?

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Are curious! Do you want to find your secret sauce of being a Difference Maker, and create original ideas through your natural gifts? New series starting in June!

5 Steps to Create The Future You Want

Top4 Is Your Core: Build Your Solid Foundation

John C. Maxwell (2006). The Difference Maker

Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self

Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio

Join me as we discuss and SIZZLE distinguished passion in your purpose!

TeleSizzle Tracy Worley

The FIRED UP TeleSizzle continues!!

Today’s topic is how to live a DISTINGUISHED life!

12pm CST Guest Speaker Tracy Worley
7pm CST Guest Speaker Winter Harris

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see.

These gifts give Tracy the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

Don’t miss today’s message!

‪#‎wearefiredup‬ ‪#‎telesizzle‬ ‪#‎DISTINGUISHED‬ ‪#‎momsonfire‬ ‪#‎mof‬

Date: June 25, 2015
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Event: FIRED UP TeleSizzle
Sponsor: The Fire Forum
Public: Public
Registration: Click here to register.

Are You A Difference Maker? Series 1 of 8

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

Are you a difference maker or a mood breaker? We all know someone who walks into the room and the mood changes from “life” to “silent LiftingUp Tracy Worleyhiding”. Why? No one wants to talk to this person because they are the life sucker who not only takes, but also puts you down and keeps you there.

What is your secret sauce to being a difference maker in your life?

In 2006 I had an incredible opportunity to not only chair our Employee Ownership Stock Program, but also to create the leadership training content for all employee owners to experience and learn. One of the resources I brought in was written by John C. Maxwell, The Difference Maker. What makes you a Difference Maker? It is simply your attitude.

I write, speak, and teach attitude often, as this is the one thing you have control over. Only you can make the decision about how you are going to enter and leave the room. How you are entering and leaving conversations? But most importantly, how do you make people feel? Everyone remembers how you made them feel over and above all other things you give them.

“Your attitude colors very aspect of your life. It is like the mind’s paintbrush; you see the world as you are!”

Here are some areas to consider for reflection and change toward making the difference you desire from The Difference Maker:

  • Personality – Who You Are
    • Everyone is uniquely made. When you live in the comparison gap of others this is a mood breaker.
  • Environment – Who and What is Around You
    • We are made up of the five people we spend the most time with.
    • Is it time to have courageous conversation and create a necessary ending?
  • Others – What You Feel
    • Hurt people hurt people.
    • Positive words have an extraordinary impact.
  • Self-Image – How You See Yourself
    • This is how you see others.
    • Labels apply to boundaries and actions.
  • Beliefs – Judgement
    • What you think.
  • Choices – Action
    • What you do.

“Every thought you have shapes your life. What you think about your neighbor is your attitude toward him. The way you think about your job is your attitude toward work. Your thoughts concerning your spouse, the people on the highway during rush hour, and the government create your attitude toward everything you think and apply is your attitude.” John C Maxwell

I am no longer with the organization where I transformed The Difference Maker into their curriculum, but I do have the pleasure of seeing many of those employees continue to grow and make a difference not only at work but in the community in which they live.

Challenge Question: Where are you a Difference Maker in your community?

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Create Your Secret Sauce

Are curious! Do you want to find your secret sauce of being a Difference Maker, and create original ideas through your natural gifts? New series starting in June!

Event: 5 Steps to Create The Future You Want

GRACEbreak Episode: Are You a Difference Maker? 1 of 8

Dr. Henry Cloud (2010) Necessary Endings

John C. Maxwell (2006). The Difference Maker

Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self

Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio

Are you a difference maker or a mood breaker? We all know someone who walks into the room and the mood changes from “life” to “silent LiftingUp Tracy Worleyhiding”. Why? Because no one wants to talk to this person because they are the life sucker who not only takes but also puts you down and keeps you there.

What is your secret sauce to being a difference maker in your life?

I write, speak, and teach attitude often as this is the one thing you have control over and can make the decision how you are going to enter and leave the room. How you are entering and leaving conversations, and most importantly how do you make people feel. Everyone remembers how you made them feel over all other things you give them.

“Your attitude colors very aspect of your life. It is like the mind’s paintbrush, you see the world as you are!”

Personality – Who You Are
Environment – Who and What is Around You
Self-Image – How You See Yourself
Beliefs  – Judgement
Choices – Action

Challenge Question: Where are you a Difference Maker in your community?

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Create Your Secret Sauce

Are curious! Do you want to find your secret sauce of being a Difference Maker, and create original ideas through your natural gifts? New series startingn in June!

Event: 5 Steps to Create The Future You Want

John C. Maxwell (2006). The Difference Maker
Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio

Date: June 8, 2015
Time: 8:30 a.m MST
Appearance: GRACEbreak Radio | Are you a difference maker? Series 1 of 8
Outlet: GRACEbreak Radio
Location: Montana
Format: Radio

To grow as a leader, you need to be mentored, either formally or informally. One of the best ways to take advantage of the opportunities is right here with our Potential Builders community.