Are You Prepared to Take Risk With Imagination and Innovation?

We all have risk and either we embrace it or do everything in our power to avoid it. Imagine the playground where a group of children are jumping off the top of the monkey bars and then there are the few who stand at the edge pacing waiting for the school bell to ring so they do not have to jump.

I want to encourage you to JUMP! Not in the sense of physical, mental, or spiritual harm but to really jump back into a childlike state and use your imagination, create, and innovate right where you stand. Ken Robinson states the risk of imagination eloquently, be prepared to be wrong. When you are prepared to risk, be wrong, and basically stand there looking like an idiot you are onto something!

Society has taught us to no longer within our natural gifts but to test out in an educational standard. Highly successful people have bunked the standard and create success by risking standing alone. The risk takers are the ones you watch rise to the next level, the risk takers are the ones who are creating original ideas.

When you are prepared to imagine, innovate, and risk within your gift set you are no longer living within a standard of average! ~ Tracy Worley

*Take time out and reflect on your life, career, and significance your natural gifts offer the world.

*Reflect on what you loved doing as a child (natural gift).

*Reflect on all of those assessments you have taken over the years (natural gift).

*Reflect on your voice of doubt, do it afraid, do it anyway.

* Reflect on discipline in your daily agenda, are you taking time to risk.

*Reflect on the ideas popping into your head and write them down, some will make sense and some will not.

Step forward with one of the above where clarity comes through and start moving forward without knowing how, details, or held up in the paralysis of perfection.

You are meant to have a life and career of significance so embrace your natural gifts, talents, wisdom, and knowledge to create original ideas. Look back in history and innovation, most of those who risked standing alone where mocked but now we have light bulbs after ten-thousand tries, we have flight because the Wright Brothers believed with imagination, risk, and perseverance it was possible.

Society standard of average is not where you are valued. Create value by standing alone in the edge of the monkey bars and JUMP!

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Fire It Up Friday | 7

Summer 2017 Series Episode 7

Adventure Entrepreneur

Are you packed and ready?

Life is an advance and ordinary life has a way of sweeping us away into schedules where we are over-booked!

We end up over booked and in the “acquiring things” race. Do not get me wrong “things” are great, a privilege, and makes our lives more comfortable.

Adventure is:

  • Finding new ways to connect
  • Going to a new restaurant (change of environment)
  • Taking a new route to work
  • Stepping out of “normal”

Find adventure in the adventure in the messiness of your life. An example is my messiness of area’s of too organized and unorganized. There is adventure in both; choose adventure!

Find adventure in everything, everyday, making the ORDINARY an ADVENTURE!

Embrace  your own adventure, choose messy hair!

CHALLENGE: step out of your “schedule” and pack a bag to find adventure in  your daily everything’s!

Thank you for joining me on our Summer Fire It Up Friday Series.

Look Up & Out, 
Tracy Worley

The Summit of Success:  There is a Higher Peak

All success comes from an individual perspective in measurable increments. For organizations it comes from their perspective initiatives and the perspective of gain or loss.

One of the top reasons I adore about living in Montana, USA is the rugged back country is close and tangible. I find myself in a National Forest several times a week and if possible daily. No matter what trail my administrative staff and I hike; there is always an elevation gain or loss.

                                                                   Administrative Staff On Trail

Success also has a measure of gain or loss dependent on your initiatives and goals. I recently read,The only person who needs to move forward little by little is you. Engineer your own evolution” ~ E. Burger, M. Starbird.

When I read evolution my reaction was, “Yes, success is creating your own revolution from the norms of how others have accomplished success.”

As you create goals there are meaningful ways to ensure a gain:

  • Move little by little toward the goal.
  • Reiterate and refine past and current knowledge to create progress.
  • The more you learn; the easier the pieces fall into place toward success.
  • Ask someone to walk along side of you; a team member, partner, or business coach.

Moving little by little is like climbing a trail. It takes step by step, bit by bit to make it to your destination and crest the top. Once you are at the crest you will see a higher peak (next goal) to strive toward. There are times you may need to lose elevation to glean new knowledge, understand the depth of measurable increments, and evaluate timing.

Refining knowledge is where most entrepreneurs and organizations lose traction. The tendency is to gobble up all information, processes, and best practices. This tendency hinders progress of little by little; often creating a stale environment of growth and innovation. To keep on track, define your objective clearly then adopt, adapt, or delete best practices and move forward.

Each goal has its own trail of learned knowledge.  Success can happen time after time hiking the same trail. However, conditions can change and new knowledge is gleaned from season to season. Business perspective; who is on your team creating a stale mate, are clients engaging, is it time to adopt, adapt, or change trails to new success?

The hard truth is not one person or organization creates success on their own. There is always someone supporting them in one manner or another. There are teams who sustain forward momentum to success and community who purchases services and or products. The basic truth not often seen are those who blazed the trail ahead of us.  A back country hiking trail is often not for the faint of heart. There is a lot of elevation gain, loss, gain, loss and keeps going until final destination. A back country trail is not managed and if it is there is a group of volunteers who hike in with band-saws and other gear to keep the trail clear (chain saws are not permitted due to fire danger, there are no motor vehicles allowed). From back country hiking to entrepreneurial paths cleared there is always someone who blazed the trail or idea ahead of us. It is your responsibility to create synergy and innovation from what is already forged.

If I have seen farther than others it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants~ Isaac Newton. Bring someone on board to create and sustain your momentum toward your goals bit by bit. No matter what or who you bring on board it is important to be open-minded about possibilities not seen at the beginning of the trail.

Success is worth the journey bit by bit, little by little! Would love to hear about your journeys and where you have gleaned success and what your goals are today!

Look Up and Out,

Tracy Worley




That Woman | Super Powers Activate

You Have the Tools to Succeed; Step Forward

What or where are you holding back in life?

Sometimes you are not aware where barriers are present to step forward. Personally, I can go back to several significant levels of amazing things happening in my life.
There is a theme in how I stepped forward into new level of success, beautiful relationships, and so much more!
1. Afraid: I moved forward with trepidation anyway.
2. Super Powers: Once I moved forward the tools I needed activated within me or others would step up and give me their talents, gifts, and wisdom.
3. Humility: Being in humble heart, mind, and spirit allowed the space to grow and nurture; new beginnings, relationships, success, and community.

I will be sharing more tools to activate your Super Powers!
Look Up & Out,
Tracy Worley

The Right “Spunk”: Do you have courageous determination for success?

Spunk: noun
 informal | courage and determination.
synonyms | courage, bravery, valor, nerve, confidence, daring, audacity, pluck, spirit, grit, mettle, spine, backbone, gumption, moxie
From the move The Right Stuff, I think about do I have The Right Spunk? I would love to say everyday I am confidant with courageous valor to do what needs to be done! To have the grit to move my body, mind, and spirit even when they do not want to cooperate.
The Right Stuff
Yes, many of you who know me would wonder because I always show up ready to serve, learn, and lead. However, the past 20 months have given me a whole new perspective, mercy, and understanding for others who cannot move past where they are right now. Honestly, where you are right now is your perfection!
Part of my story: late 2014 to present day, I have been making a daring attempt to make my body do what I want it to do! With great determination in 2015, I ended up in a despair as my team of health care providers still could not provide root cause. I had no energy or focus, now at a time where I could not read a paragraph without having to go back and re-read it several times. Now, this was a HUGE cause of concern because I love reading, making notes, writing, and gleaning everything I can to make tomorrow better than today!
During this time I lost some spirit, confidence, and my daring pursuits of jumping forward with a tenacious spirit were at a stand-still. I am a private person and only those close to me knew where I was struggling and gave tremendous support. I was able to find a new physician who listened, supported my concerns, and we started a course of tests, natural remedies before drugs, and BEHOLD we found not only was I greatly mineral deficient my body was also not absorbing what I was eating or supplements.  Today I have a new normal, and still under care and treatments.
I lost great confidence in interacting with clients and community because I did not know if I would be able to show up. My energy levels and body would cooperate one day, and the next day could be a struggle to put shoes on. Or if I did show up it would be a shell of myself. Activities I love with my family, business, and community took a lot more planning because I had to schedule significant down-time afterward.
Why am I sharing and what does this have to do with success? Spunk has everything to do with your success! Empathy and understanding for those who have chronic illness! Empathy and understanding for those struggling in their business!
  • Advocate for your health! When a physician is not listening and you do not feel right about it, seek other help!
  • Come to where others are, you just never know what is going on. What I learned, it would be easier to explain a broken arm than a deficiency and treatment plan.
  • Advocate for your Business! Just as human bodies can have a time of renewal and illness, so can your business. Seek help, coaching, or a professional to get you to where you want to be!
  • Seek support and share where you are! When you open up, new resources and support will appear.
  • Be confidant in where you are today, and keep moving forward for a better tomorrow.
  • Trust your inner-circle to help support and sustain your business during times of lost spirit, confidence, and energy. this is your fast-track to get back on track!
  • From where you are today, tomorrow will always be a step up if you are willing to build on where you are today!

The rest of the story, I am doing well but only because I advocated for my health and business! I continue to invest in my business. I continue to plug into my inner-circle for accountability and sustainability for a better tomorrow. I am starting 2016 with my best year ever! 


I am in spunky determination for you to have the best year ever too! Do you need to invest in your success? Are you advocating for your business line and personal growth toward your best year ever?

The Right Stuff vs. The Right Spunk!

You matter, your purpose in life and business matter! You are here for a reason, I challenge you to get up and out! Make new tracks in every area of your life. I believe in you! I believe in your inner-circle just as I believe in mine!

Not sure where to start? I can help you with that!

Look UP & OUT,

Tracy Worley


Are You Leading Under Fitbit Rules; Finding The Pulse Of The People?

I love people watching and am keen observer of their actions. Two of my higher level strengths is connecting and relating. These two strengths are so strong and developed that at a networking event I can tell you who belongs to who, who is avoiding who, and who doesn’t belong to who but spending a lot of time together.

FitbitLeadership Tracy Worley

Don’t worry I do not share your secrets. I have discovered and noticed as an increasing technology society we are leading our lives under Fitbit rules. These are just a few ways society is being led by technology.

  • When to take action (beeps when you have been sitting for an hour)
  • Calculating goals for you (calculates what your goals should be)
  • Celebration (lets you know when you have reached your daily goal)
  • Pulse, Sleep (keeps track of your pulse, sleep habits, calories, etc.)
  • Distance (lets you know if you have made the distance goal, redundancy implied)

My question to you as a leader, are you finding the pulse of your people?

People do not know where they are going unless goals and the path are laid out. When goals and the path is not clear; people set their own goals, or end up somewhere else.  “People need responsibility, they resist assuming it, but they cannot get along without it.” ~ John Steinbeck

As a leader of “self” what actions are you not fol
lowing through on? Your actions are being shown in large lights and even in Fitbit rules your actions are shown with a back-light in the dark. There is not hiding your leading actions, so again I ask as a leader of “self” what actions are you not following through on? 

“The world has a habit of making room for the person whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going.” ~ Napleon Hill

Below are five areas of connection and caring actions to bring into the bright lights of your leadership. The pulse of the people is hungry for strong leaders without oppression and modeling success with transparent integrity.

  1. Consistent in Challenging your team: create goals for them and push toward the next level of success
  2. Cheerful Confidence believing in their talents: bring people into their strengths and they will start believing in their success too.
  3. Creative Conversation leads to innovation: bring shifts to conversation to bring back sanity from the insanity of having the same conversation bringing the same results.
  4. Commit to leading yourself and others: invest in adding value by education, growth-opportunities, coaching, mentorship programs, etc. . . .
  5. Communicate Clearly and speak truth: crucial conversation with brings about a quicker shift in success for you, your people and the organization.

Change the pulse of your people to healthy conversation around the water cooler, if you do not give them knowledge, goals, and sustainable actions they will make it up, gossip, or go somewhere else. “All human beings by nature desire to know.” ~ Aristotle

In “celebration hands” I applaud you and celebrate your success!

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

“100 MPH, A Steering Wheel, and Montana Highway Patrol Changed My Mind”
by Tracy Worley, Marc Moss with Tell Us Something

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Who Are You Meant to Serve?

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

Your Secret Sauce Is Knowing Who You Are Meant To ServeServant Leader Tracy Worley

Success can be elusive if you are serving outside of your natural gifts, talents, strengths, and values. When you know your values, you know who you are meant to serve.  Knowledge is power, and imagination in creating new ideas of who you are meant to serve is your brilliance.

I am not being “squishy” when talking about your brilliance; I am serious. When you know who you are meant to serve, it creates an energy and synergy to the future you want and you are no longer part of someone else’s plan.

A life of significance is creating your Secret Success Sauce by being a difference maker and serving those who you are meant to serve. I have taken hundreds of people through this process, and when they are done they know . . . and their organizations take off in ways they never thought possible.  One of our last participants signed a $20,000 contract using her purpose statement, and her organization was less than five months old.

How would it feel if, in an 8-10 word sentence, you had your purpose statement? You could use this statement in your personal and professional life because it is you at a core level. How would it feel to have a purpose statement so powerful that at networking events people wanted to know more!

When you help others make a difference, you are living in the significance of your Secret Success Sauce! Your success is made by those who you help. Basically, life is about sowing first and then reaping the harvest later. One of my friends shares a powerful story. When he was growing up,  all he wanted to do was play basketball and play with his friends. His father instilled in him, “Play Now, Pay Later” or “Pay Now, and Play Later.”

Find your Secret Sauce of Significance in your purpose statement and the “Pay Now” will be fun, rewarding, and not hard to wait to “Play Later.” It all comes down to your attitude and choices, which are the foundation to the future you want. ~ Tracy Worley

Create a self-sustaining plan to keep you ignited toward what you want. Admit your needs, find support, hire a coach or mentor, and remember to keep getting up.

Everyone is unique, and I hope to walk alongside you to create the future you want and build your unique plan!

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Are curious! Do you want to find your secret sauce of being a Difference Maker, and create original ideas through your natural gifts? New series starting in June!

5 Steps to Create The Future You Want

Top4 Is Your Core: Build Your Solid Foundation

John C. Maxwell (2006). The Difference Maker

Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self

Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio

[Success Secret Sauce] Series 7/8 Are You Equipped to Fail?

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

What equipment do you need to fail in faith that tomorrow will come!

Mix it up, sprinkle, dash, and heat it up to create the future you want!

Equipped_to_Fail Tracy Worley


Are you equipped to fail? Did you really just ask that question? Why yes I did, because failing is the equivalent of a college education. People are not defeated by the opponent; they are defeated within themselves.

Losing and failing is learning without the textbooks and final exams. Failing is real life innovation and creating new ideas no one else has failed forward into. You have to expect failure; it is what you do with it that makes a difference. First thing to remember is not to personalize it and start thinking like the chicken who always thinks the sky is falling. Your sky is not falling; you just failed to the next level!

Being equipped to fail is having courage to risk. Failure creates confidence toward the future you desire. 

“Those who fly always first get out on the edge. If you want to seize and opportunity, you must take a risk. If you want to reach your potential, you will have to take chances. If you don’t, you will be resigned to a life of mediocrity. The people who don’t make mistakes end up working for those who do. And in the end, they often end up regretting the safe life they lived.” ~ John C. Maxwell

Making a difference toward your Secret Success Sauce is getting up when no one else does. Simply, if you do not get up, it is your fault for not taking action. Most people think too small, play small, aim too low, and quit too soon. 

Equip yourself by letting failure point you to success. Do not play with the odds because very few are willing to get back up, so just get up and you will beat the odds. Again, perspective and expectations are important in keeping your momentum forward with purpose.

The last tool to be equipped to risk and fail is to maintain a sense of humor! Hold your head high, giggle, and laugh out-loud.  I have been able to bring the stories of my colossal fails and wins to the table to share with others and instill the mantra that—tomorrow does come!

I look forward to walking along side you as you laugh your way up and out to the future you desire and want!

 “You always pass failure on the way to success.” ~ Mickey Rooney

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Are curious! Do you want to find your secret sauce of being a Difference Maker, and create original ideas through your natural gifts? New series starting in June!

5 Steps to Create The Future You Want

Top4 Is Your Core: Build Your Solid Foundation

John C. Maxwell (2006). The Difference Maker

Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self

Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio