Fire It Up Friday | 6

Summer 2017 Series Episode 6

Are you DOA when showing up  personally and professionally? What is DOA: Dead on Arrival or Dead on Attitude.

My questions to you are:

  • Are you Dead on Arrival?
  • Are you showing up to work, home, and life: filled-up to serve your clients, employer, and self?

Dead on Arrival vs. Daily Opportunity of Action

This past week I had the privilege of attending our Innovate Montana Symposium. Before going I set the intention with an end in mind. My end in mind was meeting people to help my clients in their next endeavors and a current project I am working on…


I was ALIVE ON ARRIVAL! As humans we should show up with intention and ‘alive’ in everything we do. There are always the few who show up because they have to. These are the individuals I like to “light” up! Giving them other perspective and a reason for being there and how they add value.

Albert Schweitzer, “Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now-always.”

When I work with organizations in employee engagement we always start with a survey to see where the engagement needle is and the culture. I can say 99% of the time when engagement is low there is little trust and/or respect to and from leadership.

Here are a few steps to engaging yourself:

  • Discuss and outline your vision and navigate where you are going. The more people you share this with the more likely you will find the resources needed to launch to the next level.
  • Set exceptions by creating and modeling the who you want to show up in  your personal and professional life.
  • Connect with clients on personal level (i.e. paraphrase what they  have said, or remember your last conversation such as if they mentioned a soccer game ask them how it went)
  • Connect and collaboration with peers by setting parameters of expectation, timelines, etc. . .(this always resolves who is responsible for which task, and accountability for the entire team)
  • Connect with people by having one-on-ones (be candid and transparent where you are, and they will be candid and transparent where they are on projects, hurdles, and how they plan to overcome them) “I CAN’T RAISE THE BAR FOR OTHERS IF I HAVEN’T RAISED THE BAR FOR MYSELF.

The core of engagement is transparent humility (this is not showing employees or clients how to weep but to let them know you are human, everyone wants to know they are  on the team with someone who has heart)

 If you and your team are not making individual efforts , then everyone is DOA when they walk through the door every day. ~ Tracy Worley


Thank you for joining me on our Summer Fire It Up Friday Series.

Look Up & Out, 
Tracy Worley

How to Create a Legacy

Building a Legacy 93 Seconds at a Time

Leaving a legacy is all you have. A strong legacy is not made of monetary value but of heart value. How you lift others to their potential. You Gramp4create safe environments for growth. When you leave the room, people are better than you found them. Have fun, take business at hand seriously and above all laugh at yourself!

Leadership, love, and life evolve in and out of your personal and professional lives. You may try shutting the door on one without the other, but your stories and legacies follow you wherever you may go.

I have a full history of knowing all of my Great-Grandparents, Grandparents, and a bushel full of Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. Recently, I visited my Grandpa Eldon in Eugene, Oregon.  He is the last of my vast line of Grandparents and cherished beyond words. I asked questions, heard new stories, and reminisced.

We are all built with our history, stories, and holding truths we cherish and hopefully “deleting” truths no longer holding truth for you. About 30 years ago my dad once asked me where I learned my “values” from.  The heart answer is my grandparents.  They all left me with my core personal and professional business model I created; Potential² Builder.

From ranch life, construction, business deals, play, fun, hiking, wicked card games, hugs on the couch, to out of the blue phone calls. The rich experiences compounded interest in a legacy of heart, potential, environment for growth; cherished bank account full of unconditional love.

There are three main areas’ you can focus on to build a legacy to leave your family, friends, business relationships, and community. Over my thirty-plus year career, these three areas are what I have found to part of the solid foundation for strong families, business, and people who leave strong legacies.

Gramp3 Tracy Worley

Have Fun! Hamming and Glamming With My Guy

It is never too late to build your legacy and write on the hearts of those around you; what they will say and miss when you leave the room.

  • Potential: Find ways to help others reach their potential, be invested, interested, and lift them before self. Yes, put your oxygen mask on first then lift others to their natural gifts. The reward of lifting others is greater than lifting oneself (reward will be paid 10-fold).
    • As I reflect on my potential and when I had the most growth is when others invested, lifted, and truly interested in seeing me succeed.
    • Today I make an intentional practice in my personal and professional life to find individuals who I can lift! The key is people need to have the heart to be pushed and pulled to the next level.
  • Environment: Create an environment of risk; let failure be a learning tool. The most successful people in life learned how to fail first.
    • I was able to fail and learn from the lessons. The environment was safe to try and try again. Yes, at times pushing boundaries was the risk and discipline at hand. Remember, we all learn and climb to our potential in our own rhythm.
    • When I work with clients, I have certain questions to hone in on what type of environment they thrive in. When they are “safe”, their potential explodes into possibilities they never saw or thought of before.
  • Legacy: People remember how you make them feel over what you have done. Leave people in the room loving themselves and life. Be present, because your presence matters.
    • Be authentic to who you are, and those around you will develop to be a network of believers. Not groupies but your “tribe”. A tribe is people who fill in the gaps, and who you fill in the gaps for as well.  You all benefit.
    • My stories taught me to be present, show up filled up to give first then receive. And perseverance toward ones potential trumps and punches the face of naysayers every time!
    • Have a sense of humor!

Where ever you might be in thought and heart of leaving a legacy here is a poem I wrote about my Grandpa, who is 93. I may be looking at his 93 years; all it takes is 93-seconds to touch someone’s heart.

93 Silver Strands

He is my HERO,

My first hugs, filling my heart,

to letting me put rollers in his hair that tickled us,

until we had to part.

He is my HERO,

He fixed many things from wagons, dollies,

to wondrous buildings.

He is my Hero,

Outlined with brilliant strands of silver,

a gleaming light of Gods Armor.

He is my HERO,

He is 93, standing tall,

with liquid blue eyes,

smile of a warm friend,

loves with all he has under his halo of silver strands.

As he holds my hand, I understand he is my HERO.

93 years shifting through the sands,

93 braids of silver his legacy stands.

Written By: Tracy Worley

Twinkle In His Eyes

Twinkle In His Eyes

Challenge Question: Will you take 93 seconds to touch someone’s heart?

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley


Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self

Tracy Worley (2013) Red Shoe Courage

Are You Leading Under Fitbit Rules; Finding The Pulse Of The People?

I love people watching and am keen observer of their actions. Two of my higher level strengths is connecting and relating. These two strengths are so strong and developed that at a networking event I can tell you who belongs to who, who is avoiding who, and who doesn’t belong to who but spending a lot of time together.

FitbitLeadership Tracy Worley

Don’t worry I do not share your secrets. I have discovered and noticed as an increasing technology society we are leading our lives under Fitbit rules. These are just a few ways society is being led by technology.

  • When to take action (beeps when you have been sitting for an hour)
  • Calculating goals for you (calculates what your goals should be)
  • Celebration (lets you know when you have reached your daily goal)
  • Pulse, Sleep (keeps track of your pulse, sleep habits, calories, etc.)
  • Distance (lets you know if you have made the distance goal, redundancy implied)

My question to you as a leader, are you finding the pulse of your people?

People do not know where they are going unless goals and the path are laid out. When goals and the path is not clear; people set their own goals, or end up somewhere else.  “People need responsibility, they resist assuming it, but they cannot get along without it.” ~ John Steinbeck

As a leader of “self” what actions are you not fol
lowing through on? Your actions are being shown in large lights and even in Fitbit rules your actions are shown with a back-light in the dark. There is not hiding your leading actions, so again I ask as a leader of “self” what actions are you not following through on? 

“The world has a habit of making room for the person whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going.” ~ Napleon Hill

Below are five areas of connection and caring actions to bring into the bright lights of your leadership. The pulse of the people is hungry for strong leaders without oppression and modeling success with transparent integrity.

  1. Consistent in Challenging your team: create goals for them and push toward the next level of success
  2. Cheerful Confidence believing in their talents: bring people into their strengths and they will start believing in their success too.
  3. Creative Conversation leads to innovation: bring shifts to conversation to bring back sanity from the insanity of having the same conversation bringing the same results.
  4. Commit to leading yourself and others: invest in adding value by education, growth-opportunities, coaching, mentorship programs, etc. . . .
  5. Communicate Clearly and speak truth: crucial conversation with brings about a quicker shift in success for you, your people and the organization.

Change the pulse of your people to healthy conversation around the water cooler, if you do not give them knowledge, goals, and sustainable actions they will make it up, gossip, or go somewhere else. “All human beings by nature desire to know.” ~ Aristotle

In “celebration hands” I applaud you and celebrate your success!

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Who Are You Meant to Serve?

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

Your Secret Sauce Is Knowing Who You Are Meant To ServeServant Leader Tracy Worley

Success can be elusive if you are serving outside of your natural gifts, talents, strengths, and values. When you know your values, you know who you are meant to serve.  Knowledge is power, and imagination in creating new ideas of who you are meant to serve is your brilliance.

I am not being “squishy” when talking about your brilliance; I am serious. When you know who you are meant to serve, it creates an energy and synergy to the future you want and you are no longer part of someone else’s plan.

A life of significance is creating your Secret Success Sauce by being a difference maker and serving those who you are meant to serve. I have taken hundreds of people through this process, and when they are done they know . . . and their organizations take off in ways they never thought possible.  One of our last participants signed a $20,000 contract using her purpose statement, and her organization was less than five months old.

How would it feel if, in an 8-10 word sentence, you had your purpose statement? You could use this statement in your personal and professional life because it is you at a core level. How would it feel to have a purpose statement so powerful that at networking events people wanted to know more!

When you help others make a difference, you are living in the significance of your Secret Success Sauce! Your success is made by those who you help. Basically, life is about sowing first and then reaping the harvest later. One of my friends shares a powerful story. When he was growing up,  all he wanted to do was play basketball and play with his friends. His father instilled in him, “Play Now, Pay Later” or “Pay Now, and Play Later.”

Find your Secret Sauce of Significance in your purpose statement and the “Pay Now” will be fun, rewarding, and not hard to wait to “Play Later.” It all comes down to your attitude and choices, which are the foundation to the future you want. ~ Tracy Worley

Create a self-sustaining plan to keep you ignited toward what you want. Admit your needs, find support, hire a coach or mentor, and remember to keep getting up.

Everyone is unique, and I hope to walk alongside you to create the future you want and build your unique plan!

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Are curious! Do you want to find your secret sauce of being a Difference Maker, and create original ideas through your natural gifts? New series starting in June!

5 Steps to Create The Future You Want

Top4 Is Your Core: Build Your Solid Foundation

John C. Maxwell (2006). The Difference Maker

Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self

Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio

Leadership Value Through Serving Others

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

Leading and serving others is not a painful experience it is a cherished opportunity to lead through your value. ~ Tracy Worley

Values_Leadership Tracy Worley

Yesterday was a full day of serving others without asking anything in return. What do I mean by nothing in return? I did not receive monetary compensation and/or ask for anything in return; I fully gave of self. I am not sharing this to impress you but to impress upon you adding value through serving others pays the highest dividends in your personal Value Proposition.

Part of My Day:

  • Spoke at Sunrise Rotary | Are you Stopping Before the End of The Trail
    • Service to others in value and leadership potential
  • Time Out | Spent time with an acquaintance and masterminded business
  • 1Million Cups, Missoula MT
    • Showed up filled up to ask questions and find ways to add value to new start-ups and ideas
  • Mentorship
    • Mentoring a new entrepreneur in their journey of leading masterminds, coaching, and speaking.
  • Calls to two individuals who I know are struggling in their business; offered support, when asked offered advice and connections to get them to the next level. (Notice I did not offer advice until asked).

At lunch I attended the monthly Missoula Businesswomen’s luncheon and learned I was one of eight nominees for MBN Business Women of The Year. The nominees are women I admire and humbly stood next to and wondered; how did I get here? The answer is simple; Leadership Value Through and By Serving Others.

Value statements are one of the first things I have my clients do. When you know what you value and how to serve others through your Value Proposition, it is easy to let go of anything or anyone interfering with your purpose and value to serve others.

Check Points to Ensure you are Leading and Serving with Value:

  • Let go of anything or anyone that interferes with your value proposition
  • Attitude and actions reveal your values. Your belief system must come first to shape the right attitude and actions toward your purpose in serving.
  • Society often does not “gel” with personal value-sets. Do not be surprised when others question or interfere; just state your purpose, do not ask for permission, and move forward serving others!
  • Negotiate the value of your intention because the intention of your value proposition is to lead others through service.

By leading in service first I truly have/had the distinguished honor standing next to these phenomenal ladies who give so much of themselves to their families, clients, and community! I have added links to their LI or web-page as I encourage you to connect and get to know these outstanding leaders of service!

Congratulations to our distinguished Business Woman of The Year 2015: Miranda Ming of Wipfli-GHG

Business Women of The Year Tracy Worley

Remember to serve well through your unique Value Proposition!

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self

Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio