Red Shoe 7th Day of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas 2017

“Stop hiding and swim your own swan song, by using the unique gift God gave you. He desires to truly know you because you are beautifully made.” ~ Tracy Worley

The 7th day of Christmas there are seven swans a swimming. This is something I can relate to, the swans are doing exactly what they are made for: swimming with grace and style.

You and I are made in God’s image. When I was a little girl this scared me; what image am I going to see in the mirror? Surely it would not be the cute blue-eyed, curly blonde haired cutie but a reflection of some burley man with all-knowing eyes.

Having someone who truly knows me scares the little me…and the big me. And I am sure it scares some of you too. To have someone who truly knows you from the inside out. Those hidden vaults of guilt, shame, ego, pride, anger, and the list goes on, and I am sure you have a few to fill in too. Someone knows what is inside of the vaults and who or what created them.

  • Why do we hide?
  • Why can we not swim with beautiful grace as the swans naturally do?
  • Where do we pick up the vaults and not step up and out into doing exactly what God has made us for?

The short answer to the questions above is that we live in a fallen world. The enemy has capitalized on this and makes hay with it. Some feel shame to stand out in their graceful swim like the swans do. Take some time and really reflect on the previous statement. There are billions of dollars made and paid to keep us shiny and new in the eyes of the world but not in the eyes of our creator.

What would your confidence look like if you knew the man in the mirror? I know my confidence grows every time I spend time in prayer and God’s Word. The biggest benefit is I no longer fear seeing him through my eyes and vice-versa.

I encourage you to start pealing back society’s layers of “have to” fit in. Break free in your own graceful gifts. Swim and sing your own swan song!

Look Up and Out,

Tracy Worley

Red Shoe 6th Day of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas 2016

“Consistent steps will bring you to the finish line of success. Be flexible in the time-frame because there is no such thing as an overnight success” ~ Tracy Worley

The 6th day of Christmas is six Geese a-laying. I still wonder what they are a-laying. Some say it is the six days of creation.

You are a work in progress. Have you ever started a project thinking it would take two hours and it took two weeks? Oh boy, I have certainly created mayhem with projects. I am currently working on a video project that is two years when I thought it would take two weeks. It is our goal to have it launched by first quarter of 2017.

The thought and love we put into projects always shows and gives us bigger dividends than the blood, sweat, and tears to finish. We are all continual works in progress; even God’s creation as we know it took six days, and he is stilling refining us and the world. Through Christ we are in this world but not of it. “The world would love you if you belonged to it, but you don’t. I choose you to come out of the world…(John 15:19 NLT).”

I encourage you to not let small problems to get in the way of creating the life you deserve and desire. God desires this for you too; it just may take longer to create than initially thought.

Look Up and Out,

Tracy Worley


Red Shoe 5th Day of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas 2016

“Listen to your heart’s message using the outline of the golden rings: joy, peace, wisdom, knowledge, and love.” ~ Tracy Worley

The 5th day of Christmas is symbolized by five golden rings. I have always had a vision of jewelry.  In further examination some say it is the golden rings of Pheasant necks depicted in nativity scenes.

Five rings prompted me to favor a new outline for prayer, taking me from the shadows of fear into the light of but not of this world. On the 1st day of Christmas post I wrote about the shadows.

Here is an order of prayer I have used and it fits nicely within 5 Golden Rings:

  1. Joy: Adoration / Thankfulness
  2. Peace: Repent (what I know, and show what I have done)
  3. Wisdom: Petition / Supplication
  4. Knowledge: The Word (dig into a Scripture, I try to find a fitting Scripture for my prayer time)
  5. Love: Adoration / Thankfulness of time spent with Him

I do not have daily “aha moments” with God, but I do know from my experience and leading others through study He is listening.

Have you ever had the same message given to you through print, multiple people, radio, etc…? Perhaps this is God’s calling card; there is something you are to apply, change, or teach.  Sometimes it is to compound interest of your foundation in knowledge.

Grab the golden rings to your royal seat in the throne room with God.

Look Up and Out,

Tracy Worley

Red Shoe 4th Day of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas 2016

It’s the 4th day of Christmas, and calling birds are calling. What are calling birds, and why are they calling?  We all know the song, but do we intentionally answer when God is calling?  Do we intentionally pick up the prayer wire and call God? A calling bird calls for their mate, and other birds sing to mark territory. Songs are sharing the gift of the sweet serenade of nature.

This is not a supernatural statement, but one of intention. Our first inclination in daily life should start with adoration and thanksgiving. Why? Adoration and thanksgiving takes our mind, heart, and soul out of ourselves and into communion with God.  Living in life out of ourselves also creates stronger relationships with those who are in your life.

I challenge you to test your current circumstance (reality) in prayer, creating an increased confidence in God. Calling and inviting God in prayer opens an abundance of joy, peace, grace, and hope. Find your serenade of calling.

I am not saying life is perfect as we will experience difficulties in our circumstances. Martin Luther shares a wonderful statement from the Third Petition of the Lord’s Prayer; Thy Will be Done. “Grant us grace to bear willingly all sorts of sickness, poverty, disgrace, suffering, and adversity and to recognize that in this your divine will is crucifying our will.”

The serenade of your calling will change within your circumstances. We are given the gift of prayer and adoration, and the moanings and groanings of despair. God is open to your cries; trust that he hears them.

Look Up and Out,

Tracy Worley

Red Shoe 3rd Day of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas 2016

“Willingness to push yourself out of the shadow and into the light is hard work. But that work leads to perseverance and the life you have been created for.” ~ Tracy Worley

The 3rd day of Christmas three French Hens are presented. Some say the hens are symbols of self-sacrifice such as Jesus is the sacrifice for the whole world.

Your life and my life is not an accident, you have a purpose! Our reality is what we are willing to see, feel, and walk to. I want to encourage you to not be afraid to walk through into the light of your purpose. It will not be perfect, it will be scary and trust me if you are not scared then you are on the wrong path.

Our hearts are in disorder with what society says we need to be, say, or do. I am pounding on the keys as I say this; you are worth so much more, and have so much more to offer!

Take comfort in the Christ of the Christmas season; He has your back! Move forward with the intention of no longer living in the shadows. Live free in your gifts and talents, given by grace.

Look Up and Out,

Tracy Worley

Red Shoe 2nd Day of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas 2016

“Free to be me! God may I get out of my own way and step out of the shadow of fear into your light of grace and redemption. Set me free to be authentic.” ~ Tracy Worley

The 2nd day of Christmas we woke to a glorious sunrise and the day is bright with sunshine, making the snow glisten with the power of the sun’s light. I believe this is how God is in our life, he shines his light through and upon us; we need to get out of our own way and into the light of truth.

To be honest, I struggle with being authentic. When I walk out of the shadows of doubt and into my God given talent the light feels beautiful, comfortable, and dare I say euphoric. Then the shadow creeps in with the whispering:

  • Who do you think you are?
  • What makes you important enough to do what you do?
  • You just made a complete jerk of yourself, better stop now.
  • Fill in the blank_______.

There are so many ways the enemy sneaks into our minds, heart, and soul. I ENCOURAGE you to not only do this for yourself but also for your spouse, children, family, friends, peers, coworkers, and community. What should you do?  Pray this prayer and feel and see the difference in the minds, heart, and souls surrounding you.

God, I find myself comfortable in the shadows of fear, because I do not bring attention to self. I find discomfort and self-judgement. I do not know you God because I am in the way. I ask for light to shine my way and the grace to be authentic. Let me live in the freedom of being what you made me to be.

Look Up and Out,

Tracy Worley


Red Shoe 1st Day of Christmas 2016

12 Days of Christmas

“God make my mind clear, clean, and help me find where to break free into the light by shedding fear.” ~ Tracy Worley

The first day of Christmas is in celebration of the incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Most of us enjoy the day; as a day off of our regular routine, work, great meals and spending time with family and friends.

This year my husband Tim and I have had an amazing miracle of bringing a bright too smart for his own good twelve-year old into our hearts and home. The first day of Christmas was spent in our jammies enjoying the giggles and heart of a young one. Even our cat Meow Meow Kitty Kitty and our two Border Collies, Jill and Kimber, joined in the adventure of wrapping paper mayhem.

As I sink back into the depth of our leather couch my mind went to God in gratitude of the blessings of the 12 Days of Christmas. Then doubt started to touch the back of my neck; the familiar nemesis of anxiety and fear; of “I am not good enough.”

Often we spend time in the shadows of self –doubt:
• I am not good enough.
• They will find out I am not all “that”.
• What if I shine too brightly, they will all hate me.

Let me start off by saying in Christ’s righteousness you are good enough! It is the shadows of the enemy that keep you in doubt, refrain of trying something new, or stepping out into your authentic God-given purpose.

God sent us wonderful grace and redemption through Jesus Christ.

Embrace His loveliness and beauty of a gracious heart for the one he loves is you!
Look Up and Out,
Tracy Worley

Are You Living The Life of Your Dreams?

The world is full of wonder and beauty.

The world is full of wonder and beauty. Look at your life as an abundant ADVENTURE; live the life of your dreams! Tracy Worley

Success in our society relies on the premise of position, possessions, and posturing. These three area’s keep us in average. Do, look, and see the world as everyone else does. To live the life of your dreams is to actually allow yourself to dream! We are brought up to no longer dreamAdventure and Tracy Worley as we are told it is silly and a waste of time.

WARNING: Not dreaming is a waste of your life!

When given a gift of leaving corporate and starting my own company, I found there were no tools available to dream, vision, and set values in what you do every day. So the last few years I have set out to create the tools. What I have found working with clients, is once they are given permission to dream the dream their success soars to the next level!

Here are a few steps to start:

  • Position: Look at this differently of not position in your job, community, or social status. Create a new position in who you are and where you want to be. Start positioning your heart, dream, and vision here. Once set a new position; shifts will start to emerge to living the life of your dreams.
  • Possessions: Instead of what you physically have or don’t have. Look at possessions of what values, dreams, people, truth(s), and time you have now. Create a checklist of what is working and what no longer holds value of who you are and where you want to be. I give you permission to let go of what is not working; yes, this may mean you “fire” a few people from your life. Dump truths that no longer hold value. Dream your dream.
  • Posturing: Shed the pretense of false boundaries of holding on too tightly of what no longer holds value in your life. Create an authentic life of poise and stop asking for permission, state your purpose and move forward.

Life is full of beauty if you are willing to evaluate mindset vs. dream. It is not easy to start, as you will be breaking through the set paradigm of society and people thinking you are crazy to dream. I guarantee, if you take the first few steps the shift will start and the dam of average will break!

Challenge Question: Where will you start in breaking the dam of average?

You deserve the life of your dreams!

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Are You Creating Success With Courage?

Courage is Earned and Learned

Yes, I am asking you! Are you creating success with courage? Courage is learned, earned, and an added value to your success.

Definition of courage is the ability to do something that is uncomfortable. Strength in the face of pain, risk, or grief.

Recently  I have traveled over 600 miles driving across Montana, USA. In this travel I met entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and government officials. There was a consistent theme with their successes and it comes down to three simple things: faith, passion, and failure.

All three of these simple things take courage to stand up to your success, passion, and ability to create something no one else can. Think about the following as all of them were an idea which took courage and has changed lives across the world and generations: tires, light bulb, flight, internet, space travel, and so many more. . .

Faith: Continue to believe in what you are building.

Passion: Create an inner circle of advisers to keep you on the rails of faith and your why.

Failure: Risk is part of success, it will happen. Take note of what you learned and keep moving.

Courage encompasses all three simple things to create the success you desire and deserve. A few questions to ask yourself:

Blessed,met and learned from so many great leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators today! Lt. Governor and Governor took time for Red Shoe Courage!

Blessed,met and learned from so many great leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators today! Lt. Governor and Governor took time for Red Shoe Courage!

  • Do I believe in myself and the project more than anything else?
  • Am I willing to let other activities pass while I create?
  • Do I have faith in myself to take risk and willing to keep moving forward when there is a fail?

Challenge: like, share, and comment one thing you learned from taking a risk! You have something to teach the world.

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley


Pride vs. Perseverance = Red Shoe Leadership

Have you been around someone, in their minds whatever they do “is NEVER good enough?”  TracyWorley.Com

The great outdoors is my favorite place to be! Those of you, who have followed me for a whole, know this and love the pictures of our American back-country I share.

Recently my husband and I hiked a trail that brought forth beautiful wild flowers, mid-summer snow fields, and several clear alpine lakes.

As a “leader” in hiking and the dos and don’ts I fell into a rookie move, and literally “fell”! I had a CHOICE here to let pride or perseverance lead the rest of my experience.  We can learn from failure (falling) or let it hold us back.

In embracing life I want to ask you; “do you let experiences choose your attitude”? I know by falling, scraping, bruising my knee and ego; I could have chosen pride and not enjoyed and appreciated the beauty around me. Or, choose perseverance and keep on keeping on enjoying the view, experience, and letting those around me enjoy their experience.

I choose perseverance and use the first aid kit to soften my ego into the next level of leadership.

Challenge: What rookie move will you shift into perseverance?

Look UP & Out,

Tracy Worley

#RedShoeCourage, #RedShoeLLC,