Red Shoe 5th Day of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas 2016

“Listen to your heart’s message using the outline of the golden rings: joy, peace, wisdom, knowledge, and love.” ~ Tracy Worley

The 5th day of Christmas is symbolized by five golden rings. I have always had a vision of jewelry.  In further examination some say it is the golden rings of Pheasant necks depicted in nativity scenes.

Five rings prompted me to favor a new outline for prayer, taking me from the shadows of fear into the light of but not of this world. On the 1st day of Christmas post I wrote about the shadows.

Here is an order of prayer I have used and it fits nicely within 5 Golden Rings:

  1. Joy: Adoration / Thankfulness
  2. Peace: Repent (what I know, and show what I have done)
  3. Wisdom: Petition / Supplication
  4. Knowledge: The Word (dig into a Scripture, I try to find a fitting Scripture for my prayer time)
  5. Love: Adoration / Thankfulness of time spent with Him

I do not have daily “aha moments” with God, but I do know from my experience and leading others through study He is listening.

Have you ever had the same message given to you through print, multiple people, radio, etc…? Perhaps this is God’s calling card; there is something you are to apply, change, or teach.  Sometimes it is to compound interest of your foundation in knowledge.

Grab the golden rings to your royal seat in the throne room with God.

Look Up and Out,

Tracy Worley