Red Shoe 2nd Day of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas 2016

“Free to be me! God may I get out of my own way and step out of the shadow of fear into your light of grace and redemption. Set me free to be authentic.” ~ Tracy Worley

The 2nd day of Christmas we woke to a glorious sunrise and the day is bright with sunshine, making the snow glisten with the power of the sun’s light. I believe this is how God is in our life, he shines his light through and upon us; we need to get out of our own way and into the light of truth.

To be honest, I struggle with being authentic. When I walk out of the shadows of doubt and into my God given talent the light feels beautiful, comfortable, and dare I say euphoric. Then the shadow creeps in with the whispering:

  • Who do you think you are?
  • What makes you important enough to do what you do?
  • You just made a complete jerk of yourself, better stop now.
  • Fill in the blank_______.

There are so many ways the enemy sneaks into our minds, heart, and soul. I ENCOURAGE you to not only do this for yourself but also for your spouse, children, family, friends, peers, coworkers, and community. What should you do?  Pray this prayer and feel and see the difference in the minds, heart, and souls surrounding you.

God, I find myself comfortable in the shadows of fear, because I do not bring attention to self. I find discomfort and self-judgement. I do not know you God because I am in the way. I ask for light to shine my way and the grace to be authentic. Let me live in the freedom of being what you made me to be.

Look Up and Out,

Tracy Worley


Red Shoe 1st Day of Christmas 2016

12 Days of Christmas

“God make my mind clear, clean, and help me find where to break free into the light by shedding fear.” ~ Tracy Worley

The first day of Christmas is in celebration of the incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Most of us enjoy the day; as a day off of our regular routine, work, great meals and spending time with family and friends.

This year my husband Tim and I have had an amazing miracle of bringing a bright too smart for his own good twelve-year old into our hearts and home. The first day of Christmas was spent in our jammies enjoying the giggles and heart of a young one. Even our cat Meow Meow Kitty Kitty and our two Border Collies, Jill and Kimber, joined in the adventure of wrapping paper mayhem.

As I sink back into the depth of our leather couch my mind went to God in gratitude of the blessings of the 12 Days of Christmas. Then doubt started to touch the back of my neck; the familiar nemesis of anxiety and fear; of “I am not good enough.”

Often we spend time in the shadows of self –doubt:
• I am not good enough.
• They will find out I am not all “that”.
• What if I shine too brightly, they will all hate me.

Let me start off by saying in Christ’s righteousness you are good enough! It is the shadows of the enemy that keep you in doubt, refrain of trying something new, or stepping out into your authentic God-given purpose.

God sent us wonderful grace and redemption through Jesus Christ.

Embrace His loveliness and beauty of a gracious heart for the one he loves is you!
Look Up and Out,
Tracy Worley