Fire It Up Friday | 4

Summer 2017 Series Episode 4

Be Selfish to be Selfless!


Loving Friday’s with all of you! Last Friday of June and we are ramping up to a juicy series. Today challenge yourself to find area’s to be selfish so you can add more value to others and be selfless.

God has blessed each and every one of you with combined gifts and talents no one else can bring to the table. We are meant to be individuals to serve the world as a whole.

My selfish story: a few years ago in Columbus, Ohio I had an opportunity to learn from renowned business coach. We were sitting in a small group of about five in a circle. The coach went around and asked us all questions, and then we masterminded on a few topics. From there this coach proceeded to look me straight in the eye and stated, “you need to be more selfish.” My immediate response was discomfort and tears (I rarely ever cry or in public for that matter).

Basically, put your oxygen mask on first!

Great coaches implement a delicate balance of  not pushing you off the edge while letting you find discomfort in problem solving or transforming to the next level of your success. Being “selfish” is one of those examples of discomfort so you can transform into next step. Break down your resistance for a moment of discomfort to transform to the next level. 

In the video I talked about being at the table. What this means is are you serving people and places you have no business adding value to? Is it your time to be at the table?

Few questions for yourself:

  • Are you sitting at the right table?
  • Can you voice your boundaries clearly and effectively?
  • When serving do I walk away with a full cup or an empty one?

Selfish and selfless leads to one core tool and that is your voice. Use your voice to create boundaries into selfless opportunities to serve within your gifts. The world needs what you have to offer; speak up!

Thank you for joining me on our Summer Fire It Up Friday Series.

Look Up & Out, 
Tracy Worley