Fire It Up Friday | 1

Summer 2017 Series Episode 1

Summer is here! Even though Summer Solstice has not come yet; schools are letting out, sunshine is drawing us outdoors, and attention to goals diminish.

It is normal to have a hit of nostalgia and be drawn to the warmth of the sun. What I have found with clients and myself enjoying the summer; professional goals slide off track.


Here are a few things to consider to keeping your goals on track:

  1. One Word
    • Changing one word can change your world and vision for what is possible. Change up the statement “I plan” to “I will” or to ” I am”. Our minds are beautiful in setting sub-conscious intentions when we state what and where we want to be in current circumstance.
  2. Main Thing
    • Keep the main thing the main thing. You will have several higher objectives for the year and quarters. Look at your calendar and see if there are people, places, and things setting you off course of your main thing.
  3. Everything is Measurable
    • From phone calls, emails, social media, client satisfaction, team engagement, learning new skills, deleting old skills; everything is measurable.
    • Not sure how or what to measure? Let’s start a conversation and I can help you and it will help others too.

Remember, what you are passionate about is a calling. Are you stepping forward in word, main thing, and measurable’s to make it happen?

Thank you for joining me on our Summer Fire It Up Friday Series.

Look Up & Out, 
Tracy Worley