Red Shoe 10th Day of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas 2016

“Be brazen and bold! Leap joyfully into the authentic you.”~ Tracy Worley

The 10th day of Christmas, Ten Lords a Leaping! I enjoy my youthful, fanciful vision of 10 lords a leaping. My 10 Lords are dressed in silver and gold, with tall red riding boots. The Lords are also riding beautiful black stallions leaping over great obstacles.

As we move into the 10th day of Christmas and the New Year has come quickly like an ice cube sliding across the skating rink. Our daily calendars and church calendar go into Epiphany starting January 6th, 2017.  Epiphany in the church calendar celebrates the revelation of God in his Son as human in Jesus Christ.

Another kind of epiphany is something out of the blue, that strikes me as wonderfully intelligent. I want to challenge you to start writing your own epiphany. Yep, write out your relationship goals, career goals, tribe goals, and what is in your way. Okay, stick with me here. I did ask you to include what is in your way, because if we do not identify the obstacle in our way we keep avoiding it, or let fear of the unknown block paths to success, joy, peace, and all we desire.

  • Relationship / Tribe Goals:
    • Take inventory of all your relationships. Who is on board with your values, goals, and desires? Spend more time with those individuals.
    • Implement change in your heart first, and people around you will push the change. Keep moving forward, you are on the right track.
    • Always make relationship changes with love and respect.
  • Career Goals:
    • Find workshops or skills to sharpen your knowledge or glean the next step(s) of success.
    • Become a mentor/mentee to glean new wisdom and knowledge you would not necessarily have in your silo of one.
  • Scary:
    • Schedule something scary! What is something on your bucket list you have not done yet? Skydiving, public speaking, horseback riding, first date, intermural sport, volunteering; so many more ideas.
      • Do something that really scares you once a month.
    • 10 Lords Leaping:
      • Be bold just as my Lords are. I am not saying to wear silver, gold, and wonderfully stylish tall red riding boots. Be bold in who you are, ride your beautiful stallion over or around the obstacle keeping you from where you want to go.

When we write it helps create a different intention than if we just think about it. Or let intention float off like a feather in the wind. Grab your dreams, and leap into 2017 with your own personal grace and style.

Look Up and Out,

Tracy Worley