Spark of Success

A life full of joy, clarity, focus, and determined success

I am often asked why I do what I do. This is a valid question and one I ask myself often.  From coaching, consulting, to public speaking the one thing that keeps me coming back is the “spark”.  Yes, all individuals, teams, and groups have an energy all their own and I see this as a “spark”. There is a raised energy when people see or rise to the next level of success.

Think about the spark of excitement in your face when holding a sparkler; even as adults we giggle and have childlike wonder when holding a sparkler in our hand. Working with men and women; they all hold a spark of excitement when entering the next level of success!

Throughout a golfers career whether for pleasure or competition there are times the swing is not recalling. It could be from mind block, muscle memory, fatigue, and so many other factors. At times it is a bad game or bad season where the player is unable to hit the ball well. What keeps players coming back is the “spark”. What keeps players coming back is the one great shot, chip, or putt; the “spark” of confident excitement and rush of accomplishment.

Identify Your Spark

  • Who or what makes your heart jump for joy?
  • Where would you love to spend more time serving?
  • What projects when complete sends your heart racing and calling others to share in the excitement?

The above is a short list of questions to dive into what you love to do and why you do it. If you are finding current space and circumstances keep you from doing what you love to do; perhaps it is time to make a change. Your unique talents are what the world needs. The world is in need for you to “spark” others with what you have to offer.  The “spark” is similar to a golfer, one well hit ball or “spark” builds your heart to do more of what you were built to do.

Personally, my “spark” to keep doing what I do is filled with clients accomplishments, ideas, and  transition to next levels of success. My clients build solid foundations while holding childlike wonder creating their own sparkler experience.  You can say I am a “spark” maker by sparking individuals, teams, and groups into new success they could not see or do before.

The spark leads to a well lived life full of joy, clarity, focus, and determined success.

Share, I would love to know what “sparks” you to do what you do!

Look Up & Out,

Tracy Worley



Are You Killing Your Legacy?

Create your legacy before others create it for you.

One of my greatest mentors and teachers John C. Maxwell taught me, “people remember how you made them feel.” As I traverse from coaching executives to corporate teams the common denominators are “feelings” and “communication”.

Have you heard “this is business, there is no room for feelings in business“, or some other derivative of it? Well, there is room; people remember how you made them feel over all else. Yes, they remember how they feel over you making them millions, cured their cancer, helped them solve a large issue.

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Join me and others to build your legacy model with the 5 L’s. Legacy is building your sustainable growth model of how you show up in community, connections, and collaboration.

Legacy: Love, Lift, Link, Lead

Few Things To Consider:

  • Can you listen without bias or judgment?
  • When did you lift some one else to promotion?
  • Can you identify the last time you invited someone to an event; introduced them to people they need to know to grow?
  • Are you leading from behind the curtain or in front of the curtain?

Hope to see you there!

Are You Creating Success With Courage?

Courage is Earned and Learned

Yes, I am asking you! Are you creating success with courage? Courage is learned, earned, and an added value to your success.

Definition of courage is the ability to do something that is uncomfortable. Strength in the face of pain, risk, or grief.

Recently  I have traveled over 600 miles driving across Montana, USA. In this travel I met entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and government officials. There was a consistent theme with their successes and it comes down to three simple things: faith, passion, and failure.

All three of these simple things take courage to stand up to your success, passion, and ability to create something no one else can. Think about the following as all of them were an idea which took courage and has changed lives across the world and generations: tires, light bulb, flight, internet, space travel, and so many more. . .

Faith: Continue to believe in what you are building.

Passion: Create an inner circle of advisers to keep you on the rails of faith and your why.

Failure: Risk is part of success, it will happen. Take note of what you learned and keep moving.

Courage encompasses all three simple things to create the success you desire and deserve. A few questions to ask yourself:

Blessed,met and learned from so many great leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators today! Lt. Governor and Governor took time for Red Shoe Courage!

Blessed,met and learned from so many great leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators today! Lt. Governor and Governor took time for Red Shoe Courage!

  • Do I believe in myself and the project more than anything else?
  • Am I willing to let other activities pass while I create?
  • Do I have faith in myself to take risk and willing to keep moving forward when there is a fail?

Challenge: like, share, and comment one thing you learned from taking a risk! You have something to teach the world.

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley